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Member Interviews


JCW interviewed registered members, including JCW committee members from October, 2020 to August 2021.  Please enjoy the articles about their interviews on their work and things they would like to challenge.

You and Confidence



大阪生まれ。2016年からNFLダラスカウボーイズチアリーダーとして活動し日本人初となる3年連続合格を果たす。ダラスでチアダンス教室を開講していたが、現在はオンラインチア教室となり世界中から生徒が集まっている。チアを引退後、ハンドメイドジュエリー&ハウスウエアブランド "Just all I love"を立ち上げた。

Yuko, a former Dallas Cowboys cheer leader contributed columns on beauty, fashion and health from February to December 2021.

<Yuko's Profile>

Born in Osaka, Japan.  She had been a NFL Dallas Cowboys cheer leader for three consecutive years since 2016.  She was the first Japanese to passed the audition for the three consecutive years.  She used to teach cheer dance in Dallas and is teaching online cheer dance where she has students from all over the world.  After she retired from the Dallas Cowboys cheer leaders, she launched "Just all I love", which is her brand for hand made jewelries and house wears. 

Voice from Abroad

不定期でUnlimitedからJapanese Career Women(以下、JCW)のメンバーにインタビューする企画を始めます!



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